Monday, September 8, 2014

Ship An Automobile By Train

Ship cars by train to save money.

Shipping cars by train is a good transport option for moving and, depending on where you're headed, vacation. The cost to ship by truck may be higher because of the cost of gas.Train companies in the United States and Canada are organizing efforts to ship personal vehicles. As with any method of shipping, it's good to prepare in advance for train transport. Give the company ample time for pickup and delivery. Use train shipping and leave the work to somebody else.


1. Choose a company that fits your specific shipping needs. Autotransport by Rail and Auto Rail are two companies that pick the car up from one location and drop it at another location. Amtrak is another company which has a slightly different shipping method. The car travels on the same train as the person. Somebody must always accompany the car so this is a nice option to cut down on rental car costs on vacation.

2. Make arrangements with the company two days to one week in advance. More notice is always better. In order to make arrangements, provide proof of ownership and insurance.

3. Clear out any personal belongings in the car if you aren't shipping with Amtrak. Amtrak allows personal belongings to be packed in the car so you don't need to carry around as much luggage on the trip.

4. Arrange to be available for the pick-up of the vehicle. If you have to go ahead of the car, entrust this task to a close friend or family member. Give the company one set of keys and keep a spare pair with you.

5. Wait for delivery, which should take anywhere from three to 25 days.