Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Write Letters In Various Fonts

Use different fonts for different types of letters.

Handwritten letter writing used to be the usual way to communicate, and so choosing fonts for your letter was not an option. With the increased use of technology, though, this traditional method of communication is becoming obsolete. Now writing letters in different fonts is not difficult. Computer programs like those by Corel or Microsoft Word include various fonts which you can use to write letters. The font should be appropriate to the type of letter you are creating. Note the sender and the purpose for the letter. More formal letters should use a formal font, while less formal letters may use a more whimsical font.


1. Open up the word processing program on your computer. For instance, to use Microsoft Word on a computer which has Microsoft Vista, you can go to the "Start" menu, click on "All Programs" and find Microsoft Word listed in the menu. You may also click on the Microsoft Word icon your desktop.

2. Choose the font which you want to use. For a formal letter like a business letter, use a formal looking font like "Times New Roman." To get to the right font, go to the font menu. If you are using Micorsoft Word on a computer such as Vista then you can right click anywhere on the document to pull up a box which lists various items including "font." Click on the word "font" and choose the appropriate one. You may also go to the "Font" field toward the top of the page when you are in the "Home" window and click on the down arrow near that field. A drop down list of fonts will appear. Choose the one you wish to use.

3. Use a more playful font for a letter to a friend. Often letters to friends are written, via a text message, e-mail, social networking message or even a traditional hand-written letter. But youo can also write a letter to a friend on the computer. Rather than choosing the more formal "Times New Roman" or "Helsinki Metronome" fonts, use a more unusual font like "Reprise Rehearsal". The type of fonts available to you may depend on the type and version of the word processing program on your computer. For example, the Windows 95 version of Microsoft Word may include fonts not available on the Vista version of Microsoft Word.