Friday, December 18, 2015

What's The Reason For Ansi

ANSI sets standards in almost every imaginable human activity and business.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), founded in 1918, is a standards-setting organization that works in cooperation with International Standards Organization (ISO) and businesses. It helps American businesses achieve competitiveness through high standards.


ANSI represents more than 125,000 companies and 3.5 million professionals. Among its members are also government agencies, academic organizations and international bodies.


ANSI is the pride of America in setting competitive standards.

ANSI is dedicated to enhancing the quality of American products and thus American business competitiveness. The long-term benefit is better quality of life for Americans in issues regarding safety and environment.

Standards Strategy

A United States Standards Strategy (USSS) was completed in 2005. This document became the framework from which interested parties could work to set their own standards goals for global trade, consumer health and safety.

Training Programs

ANSI organizes training courses in standardization and related matters for its members and accredited standards developers. ANSI’s domestic program includes accreditation of standards developers, of which 223 had been accredited by 2009.

Relation With ISO

ANSI works in collaboration with ISO in areas of scientific, technological and economic activity. ISO is a worldwide body uniting the standards operations in more than 145 countries.

ANSI Accreditation

ANSI offers accreditation services to product certification bodies and personnel certification bodies. One such service is conformity assessment where ANSI can vouch that specified requirements relating to a product, service, process or person have been met.