Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Subjects To Have An Ethics Thesis

Ethics is concerned with notions of how people should live.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that establishes moral ideas like the concepts of right and wrong. Specifically, ethics aims to lay out the moral beliefs and practices of a social group or culture and the justification of such ideas. As the field of ethics is diverse, it provides numerous research topics for an undergraduate or graduate thesis.


The history of ethics dates back to the city-state of Athens in the 5th century B.C. For a thesis, focus on the work of Socrates, the first philosopher, and so-called Socratic paradoxes: these are beliefs he established -- including the notion that no one desires evil -- which seem counter-intuitive based on real-world experiences. Alternatively, focus on the development of ethics in ancient Rome and concepts like Epicureanism -- the idea that pleasure is the greatest good -- or the ideals of Stoicism, like virtue. Additionally, compare and contrast the development of ethics through the classical world or any other historical period.


Focus on ethical concepts. Critically analyze meta-ethics, a branch of philosophy that dissects ethics' properties. For instance, meta-ethics may question whether morality exists independently of humans and may seek to determine what the psychological basis of moral judgments is. Focus on normative ethics -- the process that governs our behavior -- and relevant theories like Immanuel Kant's principle of duty. A final concept to consider is applied ethics and how we bring our moral standards to real-life situations. Look at social issues like abortion and homosexuality and analyze how ethics has influenced national public policy.


Morality often is linked with religion and identified with concepts like godliness and sin. Investigate the relationship between religion and ethics in a thesis by analyzing divine command theory, the notion that morality would not exist without God. Research whether identifying as being religious makes people more or less moral, considering their views on issues like terrorism or premarital sex.


Focus on diversity in ethics. Consider, for example, the exclusion of women in the history of ethical thought. Also, analyze whether men and women hold different moral standards on topical issues. Apply these issues to a thesis on ethnicity and investigate whether the moral values we hold are linked to our cultural or racial background. Additionally, consider the ethical implications of sexism or racism in society.