Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Make Business Card Printing With Illustrator Cs3

A business card made with Photoshop

The best way to get the word out about your business is networking and that means handing out business cards to people you meet. You could have someone else design business cards for you, but if you've got a computer and Adobe Photoshop, you can make cards that really express what your business does.

InstructionsStyles palette, but keeping the font consistent will look more professional. Since the business card is small, use about 30-point type for the company name. Put it up at the top and choose a Style that will make it standout. Red Paperclip from the Styles palette, for example, has a nice, rich red tone and a shadow to give it depth. If your company name is a pre-designed logo, import the logo and drop it into the space.

5. Add the name, contact number, e-mail and address. You also can add a company motto at the bottom.

6. Go to Layers>Flatten Image and the card is done. Purchase business card stock paper and print. Business card paper now comes without perforation marks, so you can make these in a small office with a regular inkjet printer. If you prefer, save the file as a PDF, put it on a CD and take it to a print shop.