Monday, October 27, 2014

Create A Bamboo Pipe

Bamboo pipes are so easy to make, you could form your own band.

A bamboo pipe, also known as a bamboo flute, is easy to make from common materials like the end of an old fishing rod. A little work removing the pithy center of the bamboo, drilling finger holes, and wiping the pipe with some oil will have you tootling merrily away in a short time. In this article, you'll learn accomplish some simple steps for creating your own bamboo pipe.



1. Cut a length of bamboo as long as you'd like, using the saw to make a cut straight across both ends. Using the oven mitt to hold your pipe, heat the bamboo with the propane torch, holding it a couple of inches away. Keep moving the torch so you don't set the bamboo on fire. Within a few minutes, the bamboo will lose its greenish color and will start taking on a light tan or brown appearance. Steam will rise from the surface as it dries. Once the steaming stops, turn off the torch and allow the pipe to cool. Rub some beeswax over the pipe to help remove grime and soot.

2. Next, take the 1/2" metal rod and heat it the flame of the propane torch, using the oven mitt to protect your hand from the heat. When the rod is glowing red-hot, carefully push it through one of of the bamboo to burn a hole in the fibrous material in the middle. Carefully remove the rod and put it a safe place to cool down.

3. Take the marker and make dots at the places where you'd like to make finger holes. Five to seven evenly spaced holes are usual in a bamboo pipe.

4. Place one end of your pipe in the vise and tighten just enough to keep it in place without cracking the bamboo.Now heat up the drill bit while holding it with pliers as you heat it with the torch until it's glowing cherry-red. Use the pliers to position the drill bit over one of the spots you made with the marker. Rotate the bit to help it burn through the bamboo into the central cavity. Repeat until all holes are drilled in the same way.

5. Having put your drill bit and pliers in a safe place and after turning off the torch, allow your bamboo pipe to cool off. Using the sandpaper, smooth off any rough spots on the bamboo and then apply a thin coat of beeswax, rubbing it into the pipe using a soft rag. Now blow into the end of the pipe while you put your fingers over one, two, or all of the holes. You've just made and played a musical instrument.