Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Legitimate Internet Income Generating Ideas

If you have ever been curious about making money on the Internet and have done an Internet search on the topic, you may have been frustrated at what seems like a long list of scams and bad deals. There are many legitimate ways to make money on the Internet, and the way to find them is to be patient and keep searching.

Internet Auctions

Whether you are trying to make a few dollars by selling an attic full of old memories or if you want to use an Internet auction website as your starting point for an online retail business, using Internet auction sites to make money is a very legitimate activity. Many people start out by taking some items they have around the house and putting them up for sale on an auction website. This is an excellent way to learn how the process works, and to become familiar with the pros and cons of Internet auctions. The real work begins when the free inventory runs out and you need to find product that you can sell at a profit to people looking for very low price deals. Some people buy and sell on the Internet, and when they find a great deal they buy it and then turn around and put the item up for auction. This is especially lucrative with sports trading cards, items from bygone eras such as toys from the 1970s, or with entertainment memorabilia such as old movie props. If this is not the business you want then you can always find an online wholesaler to purchase products from, and then try to sell them on the auction websites for a profit. Many wholesalers will drop-ship products for you, which means they will warehouse it for you and then ship it to your customers with your company name on it. Take it slow with Internet auctions, learn how they work and what kinds of products you think you may want to sell, and then grow gradually as you learn more about it.


Blogging is when you start up a website dedicated to writing about the things that interest you, and when you develop enough of an audience you can join an Internet advertising program and start to make money for the traffic you are receiving. It sounds simple, but blogging requires a great deal of dedication and work before it can start to take off for you. First you need to find something that a large group of people will be interested in reading about, and then you need to find a way of creating new content each day that will grow your Internet traffic. There are many blogs on the Internet that make the writer a very comfortable living, but they all took a long time to develop and a lot of hard work. Companies will host your blog for you and help you set up an advertising program as well. All you need to do is provide the content, and then market your blog to get traffic. If you have something that interests people then your traffic will grow, and that is when you begin to make money. Blogging is a good way to make money on the Internet because you completely control the content, it's legitimate, and there is no limit to the size of an audience you could potentially draw.

Freelance Writing

The person that wrote this article was paid for their work, and if you have the ability to write then you can also get paid for it by a large number of freelance writing websites. All it takes is an Internet search for freelance writing and you will soon find a long list of websites that offer various programs to help you get paid for what you write. The difference between freelance writing and blogging is that many times you are given the topic to write about when you are a freelance writer, and it is possible to get paid very quickly for the freelance writing you do as opposed to slowly growing an audience with a blog. Freelance writing tends to be much more structured than blogging, and it is not for everyone. However as a legitimate way to make money, freelance writing is worth looking into.