Sunday, December 21, 2014

Buy An Overhead Projector For Any Class

Buy an Overhead Projector for a Classroom

Even with the advent of cool and high-tech presentation tools like LCD projectors and interactive whiteboards, the traditional overhead projector is still the norm in most classrooms. With affordable prices and fool-proof usage, overhead projectors are a helpful classroom tool. When buying an overhead projector for classroom use, look for projectors that are cost-effective, easy to use and easy to repair.


1. Look for a good price. On average, overhead projectors cost between $150 and $250. There are cheaper and more expensive units, but this is the average price range for an adequate overhead projector for the classroom.

2. Check for a warranty. Overhead projectors receive heavy use in the classroom. They are also at risk for abuse at the hands of students. The warranty needs to covers repairs, normal wear and tear and any unforeseen incidents.

3. Consider the price of bulbs. In addition to the up-front purchase price, you must consider the price of bulbs. Bulbs for overhead projectors range from $5 to $10 each or more in some cases. The average life of bulbs is 75 to 100 hours. The overhead projector may be used up to 7 hours a day. Count the number of projectors needed and do the math. A good deal of money can be spent on bulbs.

4. Look at your options. Overhead projectors are supposed to be a simple, easy-to-use machine. There are overhead projectors with multiple lamps and high-powered lenses for an ultrasharp picture. These are not necessary for everyday, classroom use.

5. Remember the accessories. There are several overhead projector accessories like mountable rollers for transparency film, dust covers and mounting clips for transparency sheets. These may seem superfluous, but they do keep the overhead projector clean and safe, which extends the life of the machine.