Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Conduct Business In India

Business owners considering starting a company in India should hire good legal representation and learn about India's culture. India is a rising economic powerhouse and is essential to a company's global business strategy--doing business in India can greatly increase a company's profitability. Read on to learn more.


1. Find good legal representation in India. India is the world's largest democracy, but it also has a corrupt business and legal system. Navigating the complex relationships between local, regional and national government offices is impossible without broad experience.

2. Establish a working relationship with a trusted Indian partner. Travel to India and meet with several local business owners face-to-face. This personal relationship building will be greatly rewarded in-kind. Bring the appropriate type of gifts for a first business meeting. These should be chosen in advance and cost should not be the first consideration (See Resources).

3. Meet with the highest level government official possible. Government agency's that regulate business in India have deep layers of bureaucracy and starting at the bottom of the hierarchy will result in many delays to getting a business started.

4. Obtain the proper visa for business travel. Although a Visa Upon Arrival is not required for tourists, business owners will need to consult with the Immigration Service for the appropriate region of India (e.g., Hyderabad, Mumbai).

5. Establish a business identity in India. Produce business cards with a logo, phone number and fax in India, and email and website addresses. It is simple to set up a website in tech-savvy India especially in Hyderabad and Mumbai.