Monday, July 20, 2015

Talk To A Different Boyfriend

Just because you are in love, don't start running off at the mouth. Your new boyfriend is not your therapist, your best friend or your father. He is not someone you should share everything with while he is still "new." Sharing should come in stages, and therein lies the key to lasting happiness -- or at least happiness till the next guy rolls along.


1. Talk to your new boyfriend as you'd talk to a new co-worker. This is a bit of a stretch, but if you think in terms of revealing very little at the outset, you should be in good shape.Talk about innocuous subjects: weather, travel, pets and so forth. Save the heavy lifting for a little later in the relationship. Discussing his impending job loss or your parents' recent divorce definitely has its place, but if you start off with these subjects, one of you could get scared off. If you must discuss very deep subjects on date one or two, do not dwell on such topics. Keep it light!

2. Consider him husband material right out the starting gate.It's a similar approach to a job interview. You want to close the deal, get the offer, and then decide if you want it or not! True!This means being covert rather than overt, though. Do not -- repeat, do not -- reveal all your cards! You can know you are considering him a future mate; he must never know this.

3. Use more "you's" than "me's" or "I's."This is a good tip for talking to your friends as well. Just talking about yourself will scare the new boyfriend off, unless he is the codependent type or so enraptured by your gorgeous face and figure that he doesn't seem to mind (which won't last, by the way, if you blather on and on about yourself.)Ask loads of questions about what he does, what his dreams are, why he parts his head on the side or whatever.

4. Avoid discussing your exes. Enough said.

5. Praise him as if he's your king.If this is too old-fashioned Donna Reed-esque for you, sorry, but it's the truth. Men soak up compliments like an actor soaks up applause. Tell him he's handsome, a great businessman, has a snazzy car (good one!) and is much taller than he appeared online, and so forth.In short, if you heap the praise, keep it light and talk more about him than yourself, you're in good shape!