Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Use Coupons As Incentives

Coupons save people money on goods and services. Businesses also benefit greatly from coupons. If you own a business, consider a coupon program to serve as an incentive for customers to use your business.


1. Decide where to print your coupons. You can have coupons in publications or you can offer your coupons online. If you have your own publications, you can simply include your coupons in every issue. If you use another publication, you need to negotiate a deal for printing and distributing your coupons.

2. Choose an angle. Coupons can come with many incentives. Popular options include free shipping, buy 1 get 1 free, ten dollars off, or any other incentive you wish to give. Use whichever program will give you the most profit. Set a coupon expiration date if you wish.

3. Honor the coupons. When customers present the coupons, be sure to honor the promise of the coupon. This will increase customer loyalty and maximize the chances of repeat business.