Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Advertise Writing Services

Advertise Writing Services

With a writing service, there is little overhead and you can work from the comfort of your own home. There's a wide variety of marketing ideas you can utilize to make your business a success.


1. Start a website. You can cater to many more clients just by advertising online. More people will have the opportunity to find about your services.

2. Put your business on Google's Local Maps. You simply create a Google or Gmail account, log in and click on "Business Solutions," then "Local Business Center." You can easily set up a free ad to direct local customers to your website. To advertise to a broader client base, use Google AdWords, although this does cost some money.

3. Get postcards printed up and do a direct mail campaign. You can buy a list of names and addresses from the post office and send these postcards to potential clients in your target market.

4. Distribute flyers. If you live in a college town, head to campus and hand out quarter-page flyers to students. If you offer editing services, advertise this as well, since students who write papers are often in need of someone to look over their work or help them with their writing.

5. Hang small posters on bulletin boards around town. Lots of local businesses offer these bulletin boards for the business cards or posters of other local businesses.

6. Join a business referral group. These are groups are set up for the purpose of networking amongst local professionals; you may find out from a client that he needs the services of one of the other members, so you give the person the member's contact information. The other group members will do the same for you.