Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Results Of Companies On Environment Warming

Burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming.

Many businesses affect the well-being of the planet, but a select few heavily contribute to carbon emissions, solid waste and habitat destruction. Most of the country's electricity comes from burning fossil fuels, which is one of the worst greenhouse gas contributors. We shouldn't forget that careless agricultural practices directly caused the American Dust Bowl of the 1930s, and similarly callous business practices will affect the environment in myriad other ways.


Pesticides, like fertilizers, are a large source of chemical poisons.

The agriculture industry is one of the worst businesses for the environment, according to Business Insider. Agriculture destroys habitat to make room for large fields or crops, which displaces wildlife and kills native plant species. Additionally, the fertilizers used to control crop growth are poisonous and release nitrous oxide into the air. They seep into the ground and wash off the fields into lakes and streams. According to Cornell University, "an average of 10 times as much soil erodes from American agricultural fields as is replaced by natural soil formation processes."


Most of America's power is generated through combustion. The process of mining and burning coal or natural gas is extremely detrimental to the Earth. Burning fossil fuels to create electricity releases carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and mercury compounds, which directly contribute to global warming. The processes of mining and transporting fossil fuels and preparing them for combustion require additional fuels and create more emissions. Water used in the process is discharged into lakes and streams, contaminating them with dangerous substances such as arsenic and lead.

Food Packaging

The food packaging industry contributes to the accumulation of solid waste in landfills. Plastics do not decompose; they accumulate. According to the Carbon Commentary, landfills are a significant source of methane gas emissions. According to the University Of Texas College Of Science, compounds in plastics, like bisphenol A and phthalates, contain hormones that disrupt the reproductive systems of wildlife when consumed. Furthermore, the production of plastics, which are petroleum products, requires fossil fuels.

Cattle Ranching

Cattle release methane gas, which contributes to environmental warming.

According to Greenpeace Brazil, 80 percent of the deforestation in the Amazon is due to cattle ranching. The cattle themselves release methane gas, which directly contributes to global warming. Additionally, the agricultural fields used to grow the cattle feed destroy habitat. According to Growing Your Future, almost half the state of Colorado, over 30 million acres, is covered with cattle farms. A farm with 2,000 cows can produce as much sewage as a small city, according to National Public Radio.