Friday, December 12, 2014

A Company For An Llc

Adding a business to an LLC is a way for a business to branch out and do other things without involving the main business name. A "Doing Business As" (DBA), which is also referred to as a fictitious business name sometimes, is how you add a business to your LLC. There is no limit to the number of DBAs you can add to your LLC. Adding a DBA is how businesses can diversify by creating different brands or identities all under one main business.


1. Contact your state's Secretary of State office and your local county clerk office to get the DBA requirements for your area. In some states, you only have to register a DBA with the Secretary of State while others require you to do it on the local level.

2. Fill out and submit a DBA or Fictitious Business Name form with the appropriate office in your state. You will need to list your LLC information as well as the other business name that you want to add to the LLC. This form is typically good for a one year period and has a filing fee that ranges from $10 to $20, depending on the state.

3. List your fictitious business name filing notice in the local newspaper, if it is required by your state or local government. In states that require this, the notice has to run for two weeks.