Friday, December 12, 2014

A Success Counter Aimed At Your Website

A hit counter is an element on a website that displays the number of visitors the site has received since the counter was implemented. You can create a counter using one of the many free resources available on the Web. Depending on the site you use, your hit counter can also give you access to certain information about your visitors,including the web browser they're using to access your page. You can create a free hit counter using one of the many free counter services available. After you've customized your counter, copy the HTML code into your website to display the counter on your Web page.


1. Create a basic hit counter using Select a color for the counter background and another for the numbers, and click "Signup For Free Counter" to get the HTML code for your free counter.

2. Visit and create a free customizable hit counter for your website. Bravenet counters also allow you to track statistics such as returning visitors and first-time visitors. After you register with the site, select your free counter design and copy the HTML code you're given into your website.

3. Get a free counter on Select the counter you want to use from the library of more than 160 designs, enter the required information about your site and copy the code into your website to display your free hit counter.