Thursday, December 11, 2014

Address Instructions Towards The Commissioner Of Health

You can write to the Commissioner of Health in regards to a variety of topics.

The Commissioner of Health, also known as the Health Commissioner, is a public office position. The commissioner is responsible to the local Department of Health, a body on the state level of government. The commissioner is entrusted with organizing the work of the commissions created by the State Department of Health. The office of the Commissioner of Health exists in such states as New York, New Jersey, Minnesota and Virginia.


1. Start the letter in a formal fashion with words such as "Dear Sir" or "Dear Mr. Jones." Avoid using informal words or jargon terms, unless they relate to public health or other issues the commissioner is dealing with. Date the letter in the top left corner.

2. Go straight to the point, without making unnecessarily long introductions. State what you have to say in a clear and concise manner. If you are referring in the letter to some documents, such as medical bills, consider whether it would be appropriate to send copies of those to the commissioner.

3. Sign the letter in a formal manner, with words such as "Sincerely" or "Yours Sincerely." Sign the letter with your full name. Also, be certain to put your signature next to your name.

4. Send the letter to the commissioner's official address. Contact your state Department of Health to get the address.