Sunday, December 14, 2014

Free Weather Information For Your Web Site

When it's chilly outside your site's visitors can find out exactly how cold.

Many people today have websites for personal or business uses. One of the most appreciated things a person can put on a website is content that is functional and accessible to users of the site. Weather information is readily available and a fun, easy, and free service that anyone with an internet connection, email account and website can offer to their users.


1. Direct the browser to Once it's loaded, you will be able to sign up for a free account and weather widget (a graphical display of current weather postable on a website)

2. Click on the "Get It Today" button and the web page will take you to a screen that allows you to either log in or create a new account. Create a new account (If you don't want your information shared, make sure the box to receive offers is NOT checked.)

3. Fill in the desired information required by the website to set up a user profile then press the "Save and Continue" button. Once you have done this you will be taken to the settings step. Fill out the information and agree to the user agreement and press "Save and Continue."

4. You will now be presented with a sample widget of what the weather information displayed on your website will look like. If you are satisfied with the generated widget, press the "Finish and Generate Code" button. If you wish to customize the widget, click the "customize" button that will take you to the customization screen. Once you are satisfied with the graphical widget, click "Finish and Generate Code."

5. You will now be presented with HTML code for posting the graphical widget on your personal website. Now just cut the presented text and paste it into your HTML editor in the place you wish for the widget to display. Now your website visitors will have updated weather for the location you have chosen or wherever the web site users wishes to look up the weather.