Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Property Marketing Tools

Real Estate Marketing Tools

In real estate, awareness is everything. If people don't know you or what you do, you will struggle to gain new clients. There is a saying "It's all about who you know." That is absolutely false. It is all about who knows you. To be an effective marketer you must spend your time and money wisely. The market is already saturated with ineffective marketing efforts, but there are a few that are not only effective but essential; start practicing them to join the company of the known.


Referral marketing is the most effective and least expensive form of new business creation. Use your past happy clients as tools to grow. If they are really happy with how you helped them, they will love to help you. Ask them for written statements about your service; ask for a picture of them and post it on your materials and website. For better results, get video testimonials as well and add them to your website.

Ask for introductions. Talk (not just email or send generic letters) to past clients regularly. Ask them if they have any friends or family who might be in the market for your help. If so, ask them for the introduction. Don't end the conversation with a phone number. The personal introduction is what is crucial to this working.

This is the proper way to ask for a referral; other forms work part of the time and may have some success, but the personal introduction will have a far greater impact on your success. There is no such thing as a one-time sale in real estate, so don't sell yourself short.


Working with other Realtors is another way to market yourself. Oftentimes, you will find Realtors who serve a niche--relocation buyers, high-end homes, first-time buyers or whatever else. Form an understanding with another Realtor that you will refer each other business that you each specialize in. This will help you gain clients that you otherwise would not have received and keeps you from trying to be an expert in helping a prospect who would be better off with someone else. If you try to be the expert in everything, you won't provide the best service, and this can have a negative impact on your business in the future.


These are an effective way to stay in contact with past clients, co-workers, friends, family and prospects. The idea with a newsletter is to share stories, tips or anything else of interest that is perceived as value to someone else. Newsletters keep you top-of-mind and approachable. Your goal is to not be forgotten, so this is a great way to provide value and demonstrate expertise, personality and commitment.

When you send the newsletter, do it on a consistent basis. Too often is going to be overkill and the message will be tuned out; not often enough will have the same effect. Shoot for once or twice per month and include good content. If it takes you a full month to gain quality content, then only do it once per month.


Do this at every opportunity. Networking is the ability to create awareness for what you do. This should happen each place you go, all the time. Networking involves handing out business cards, talking to associates, wearing a name tag or logo clothing in an effort to spark a conversation with a stranger and speaking to groups.

Great networking is the ability to generate interest in what you do in a short amount of time. When you describe what you do or what your mission is, be passionate. As a successful real estate professional, I can tell you there is nothing more pointless than someone marketing to me with no emotion. If you are not passionate about helping other people, then people will not want to help you. Your energy level is very important to creating a vibe of interest from others.


Joining organizations creates personal awareness. You can't meet new people if you are always in the same settings. You must step out of your comfort zone a bit and join some local groups. Use these opportunities wisely. The great thing about real estate is that people always know someone who wants to sell a home or buy a home. The more people you speak to and form relationships with, the more people will know you and refer you.

You can join networking groups, the chamber of commerce, toastmasters (good idea for everyone if you want to get better at speaking) or any other local group that allows personal interaction. Join a group, attend the functions, create relationships and create a list of new contacts. Find out what these people do (they are networking also) and try to help them first. This is value. Provide business or solutions to other people and they will return the favor.