Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Produce A Presell Page

When you're trying to sell a product, you should consider making a page that pre-sells the product. This is true whether you are selling your own product or trying to make affiliate sales. The pre-sell website or page should warm the customer up before asking for the sale, making him more likely to hit the purchase button when he actually arrives at the sales page. Create a pre-sell page that soft sells the customer. Avoid taking a hard sell approach.


1. Open a WYSIWYG editor to design the page. A "what you see is what you get" or WYSIWYG editor is the easiest way to create a web page. If you use a content management system such as WordPress, the WYSIWYG editor is in your control panel. Simply create a new page or a new post. If you're using an HTML editor like FrontPage, you'll want to create a new document.

2. Write the content of your pre-sell page. The content is the most important aspect of a pre-sell page. You should review the product that you are trying to sell, explaining its benefits and how it solved your problem. Avoid hype. Your writing style should sound realistic, which will lead the reader to trust you.

3. Format the text in the WYSIWYG editor. Use formatting features such as bold, different colors and font size changes to make the text more attractive and lead the reader through the text, causing them to click on to the sales page. Use images of your product where appropriate.

4. Create links to your main product. Throughout the copy, you should include links to your product. To do this in a WYSIWYG editor, highlight the text that you want to be a link and click on the icon that has a globe and a paper clip. You'll get a popup box that allows you to enter the destination.

5. Upload the page to your website. If you're using an online WYSIWYG editor, you can simply hit the "Publish" button for your pre-sell page to show up on the Internet. If you've created it in a software program, you'll need to use an FTP client. Open the FTP client and drag the file into it. It will then upload to your website.