Monday, February 2, 2015

Report Vector Marketing Fraud

You can report Vector Marketing if you believe the company has engaged in fraud.

Many people have been offered sales jobs promising huge profits in a matter of weeks. After showing up for the presentation, you find out that the job is working as a sales representative for Vector Marketing selling Cutco knives door-to-door, or by "appointment." You are told that you will work as an independent contractor, but the company representatives give you strict rules to follow and tell you that must make an investment before working. The result for many people is a tough job with little profit. Independent contractors set their own schedules and they do not have to pay to work. By not disclosing their control over your work schedule or the fact that you have to invest your money they have committed fraud or misrepresentation.


1. Learn the elements of fraud.

Before you report fraud understand it from a legal standpoint. This enables you to get the attention of the authorities because they will know that you are addressing a legal matter and not simply complaining about your working conditions.

Fraud has six elements:

1. The statement must be about a material fact.

2. The statement must be a false statement.

3. The person who makes the false statement must intend to make a false statement.

4. The defendant must intend for the victim to rely on the statement.

5. The victim must rely on the statement.

6. The victim must suffer damage by relying on the statement.

Now we will apply these elements to a typical Vector fraud scenario:

1. The statement related to employment and money, which are material facts.

2. The statements that you would work as an independent contractor and the failure to disclose your need to invest funds amount to false statements.

3. The company representative has been trained to make these false statements.

4. The company representative wants you to believe the false statements.

5. You relied on the statements by starting your employment.

6. You suffered financial damages because you invested money and made merely a small profit or no profit.

2. Call the labor department.

Call the state Labor Department. Tell the person you reach that you want to report a fraud claim. Speak with someone who is authorized to handle this type of matter. Get the person's name and position. Explain the elements of fraud and how they relate to your case. The representative will tell you specifically what you need to do to file a fraud claim.

3. Fill out a fraud complaint form.

Write a letter or fill out a form detailing your allegation. Some states allow citizens to file a complaint by email. The Labor Department will investigate your allegation. The Department may refer your complaint to a District Attorney's office or the United States Department of Labor.