Friday, April 24, 2015

Earn Money Selling Junk Cars

Make Money Selling Junk Cars

In today's economy everybody is looking for new ways to make money. Well I found the best way to make money selling cars.

I want to start off by saying that there are many ways to make money selling cars but this one it related to the Steel Recycling business.

The steps are outline below.


1. As with any worth while business venture you will want to determine if this is possible in your region or where you live. Where I live there are junk cars everywhere.

The first step here is to locate and secure a deal with either a junk yard (automotive salvage yard) or a scrap metal dealer.

2. Next you will want to determine the price per pound that you can get paid for the scrap metal. Stripped down cars sell for about $150 per ton and $100 per ton for flattened and non-stripped. Stripped means that you take all of the plastic and other materials out of the car and it leave a relatively clean steel body and frame. One clean car weighs about 1 1/ tons = approx $200.

3. Start off by looking through old neighborhoods for scrap cars but if this fails you can go door to door and offer people $50 - $100 for their junk cars.

You can earn $50 - $100 per car even if you have to pay for them. Always offer to clean up their yard around the junk car if they will give it to you for FREE.