Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Make Blank Check Stubs

Include a pay stub with employees' checks to explain the payment.

A check stub serves as receipt for payment of services rendered by an employee. The check stub outlines the year-to-date and the pay period payment details and deductions. Some employers use payroll software, which includes a check-printing feature; others may manually print the checks and include a stub. In the latter case, and particularly if the payroll is small, the employer can prepare blank check stubs using Microsoft Excel.


1. Open a new workbook in Microsoft Excel. To insert your company name, contact information, logo/picture (if applicable), expand one of the columns at the top right corner or the top left corner of the workbook. You also need to expand the top row for this purpose.

2. Insert the check stub headings below the company data. The check stub heading should include employee name, pay period end date, pay rate, regular hours, regular wages, overtime hours, overtime wages, gross pay, involuntary deductions such as taxes and child support, voluntary deductions such as medical and dental, and net pay. Insert borders around the columns and rows. Consecutively assign a number to each blank check stub.

3. Save the blank check stub under "Documents." Refer to this template each time you need to create a new check stub.