Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Make Web Templates

Web Template

Templates are useful for common Web design, and can be sold to others for a good profit. Templates can be easily created with a few simple design tools. Artistic skill can help greatly in the process, but isn't required.


Creating the Graphic Design

1. Open Photoshop and create a new image with a resolution of 1024 x 768. Make sure the image has a transparent background.

2. Use the filler tool to create a background color for the page. Then, in the "Filters" section of the file menu, click on the "Texturizer" tool. Apply a texture to the color.

3. Create a new layer, and use the rectangle or rounded rectangle tools to create a navigation bar and content and logo boxes.

4. Right-click on the layer that the boxes are in, and select "Blending Options." This will open a menu where you can apply bevels, drop shadows and many other effects to the boxes.

5. Save the file as a .jpg image in your Web template folder.

Creating the HTML Template

6. Open Dreamweaver and create a new .html file.

7. Create a new layer, and insert the image you just created. Click on "Page Properties" at the bottom of the screen, and match the page's background with the background of the image.

8. Select the image, and use the rectangle, oval, and polygon tools at the bottom left of the screen to create hot spots around all your navigation buttons.

9. Save the file as "template.html"