Monday, July 6, 2015

Begin A Christian Financial Planner Business

Obtaining certification is required to sell products within a business as a financial planner.

Starting a Christian financial planner business requires an understanding of Biblical principles such as tithing, along with professional certification. Tithing is giving 10 percent of your income back to God in the form of charitable donations. Christians may desire to hire a financial planner that has similar values and will find investments in stocks, bonds and other products that meet their religious standards. A Christian financial planner will have to comply with the same regulations of any other certified professional, but will have the religious aspect included.


1. Acquire the proper licensing to be listed as a financial planner. Find out what local and state licenses are required to operate. Determine what legal status your business will have, such as a limited liability corporation. Make sure that you have the proper credentials, such as certified financial planner, to operate as a financial planner.

2. Select the investment products you will sell to clients. Decide how you will be paid. For example, many financial planners receive a commission per product, or annual service payments upon policy renewal.

3. Obtain leads to start a Christian financial planner business. Register with Christian oriented directories. For example, the Christian Financial Planner Directory offers listings for financial planners by state.

4. Emphasize tithing principles as a Christian financial planner. Consider setting aside 10 percent of client's income before allocating it toward investments for personal gain. Refer to the client's net income and make this practice part of your company's mission as a Christian business.

5. Create marketing materials to distribute information about your new Christian financial planner business. Business cards, investment prospectus, and brochures are helpful when starting a Christian financial planner business. Include scripture that support the principles that you will employ within your business investment strategy such as Ecclesiastes 11:2.