Thursday, July 9, 2015

Begin A Pet Business

Start a Pet Business

There are many different kinds of pet businesses that you can start. Pet businesses are the fastest growing segment of home businesses in the United States. Fifty percent of all U.S. households own at least one pet; and Americans spend upwards of $34 billion on their pets each year. Despite a slowdown in the U.S. economy, money spent on pets is still increasing.


1. Decide what type of pet business you would like to start. Many pet businesses are hands on; such as training, grooming, and pet care. Other pet businesses are not hands on, such as selling food, toys and other products for pets. Both types can be very profitable, and which one you decide to do is more a matter of personal preference.

2. Check out the competition in your area. Find out what services they offer, how long they have been in business, what rates they charge, and what certifications they hold, if any. Think about what you could do differently to make yourself competitive in the industry. For example, if you want to start a pet sitting business and there are already a lot of people doing it, maybe you want to specialize in puppy sitting.

3. Join national organizations for the type of business that you are starting. Again, using pet sitting as an example, take a membership in Pet Sitters International, an organization that promotes the professionalism of pet sitters. Membership is affordable and you can use their logo in your advertising (see Resources below).

4. Register your business with your local town hall. Ask at the town hall if there are any other local ordinances governing running your business in town.

5. Advertise your business to pick up clients. In addition to running ads in local newspapers, a good way to market your pet business is through local veterinary offices and other, non-competitive businesses that cater to pets. Visit area vets, pet stores, and dog parks to see if they have bulletin boards you can post flyers for your business on.