CompTIA is a non-profit organization specializing in certifying skills of information technology (IT) professionals. CompTIA provides a wide range of exams for various skills, including Linux+, an exam covering basic use of the Linux operating system, Network+, an exam covering computer networking concepts and implementations, A+, an exam covering basic computer technician support topics, Security+, an exam covering network and system security and more. You can obtain proof of certification
1. Go the comptia website (see Resources) and click on Certification Exams and select Your Certifications. This brings you to the certification verification page.
2. Create a login if you have not already done so. You will need your last name, registration number of any exams that you have passed--this number is located on your test score reports--and a password consisting of a minimum of seven digits.
3. Click on Candidate login on the upper left corner of the screen and enter your login information. This will bring you to a screen that shows all of the CompTIA exams you have taken to date.