Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Find Out The Communications Protocol

Identify the Communications Protocol

Every organization has a communications protocol. Whether it is identified or not, one exists. Many developed organizations have their communications protocol detailed on paper in a manual or online to make it easy for all members to identify it. A communications protocol is essential to make any business or organization successful, because it provides guidance and boundaries for the members to follow. If you don't know your organization's current communications protocol, identify it so you can work toward the common goal of the organization.


Observe Others

1. Observe the way people communicate within the organization. Watch how superiors communicate with subordinates and how others communicate with customers.

2. Take note if they use email, verbal communication or another medium to communicate.

3. Note how people respond to an email, how they handle conflict/resolution and how they provide feedback. Observe the culture of communication in the business or organization and imitate it.

Ask Questions

4. Ask your co-workers for guidance to identify the communications protocol. If you find yourself in a situation where you need communicate something and you're unaware of handle it, talk with co-workers who have been in the company for a long time. They will be able to provide you with the proper steps to take.

5. Talk with your supervisor about handle certain communications. Ask her if a manual is available that explains and details the ways to handle different forms of communication. For example, is there a certain way to sell a product or refer to another department? Does the company want you to confront a co-worker directly or talk with a manger first?

6. Write down the questions that come to mind and set up a meeting with the Human Resources department to answer all your communications protocol questions.


7. Read the training materials provided by the company to identify the different types of communications protocol and procedures.

8. Read the mission statement of the company to gather a general understanding on the philosophy of communicating.

9. Read the employee handbook for guidance when it comes to communication protocol.