Monday, April 13, 2015

Load A Web Site To Global Domain names Worldwide

Global Domains International (GDI) is a business opportunity that has grown in popularity recently. The business focuses on building income by creating affiliate websites with a .ws domain name extension. If you are a member of GDI, there are a variety of options for loading your website onto the company's servers. GDI offers a website builder that allows users to build the website directly on its servers, requiring no uploading. Alternatively, a user's site can be built independently and uploaded through a file transfer protocol (FTP) client.


1. Download and install an FTP client on your computer. Many programs are able to upload websites via FTP. Two of the most popular are Cute FTP and Filezilla.

2. Enter the FTP information given to you by GDI into the FTP client. Typically, you will enter your domain name into the "host" section of the FTP client, your chosen user name and password into the boxes labeled "user name" and "password," and in some cases, you will enter a "host directory."

3. Test your settings by pressing the "test connection" button within the FTP client.

4. Connect to the GDI server with the "connect" option in the FTP client and select "upload" or the up arrow on the client.