Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Maintain Volunteers For Any Nonprofit Organization

Many nonprofit organizations depend on volunteers to provide services and keep the organization running. But it can be challenging to maintain a broad base of active volunteers. Providing a fun working environment, rewards and recognition will keep your volunteers returning year after year.


1. Examine the workload of each volunteer. Is the work evenly distributed? Does one volunteer have more duties and responsibilities than others? Are more volunteers needed to handle tasks?

2. Adjust the tasks where needed.

3. Create a survey examining each volunteer's level of satisfaction within the organization. Include a section inviting volunteers to contribute suggestions and improvements.

4. Identify how each volunteer is recognized for his work. Volunteer recognition is one of the most important steps in retaining good volunteers for your organization. Once a year, recognize important volunteers at a volunteer dinner or annual meeting. Several times during the year, recognize volunteers in newsletters, media releases or at staff meetings.

5. Find physical ways to reward volunteers for their work. Give them gift cards, bring in food or provide drinks. Raise funds for this gift giving from paid workers or write a grant that involves volunteer work and includes the funds for gifts. One way to appreciate volunteers is to set aside a Volunteer Appreciation Day that focuses completely on the volunteers and their valuable contributions.

6. Set up regular meetings with the volunteers to obtain feedback and examine any issues. Keep the lines of communication open and identify any potential problems.