Monday, September 22, 2014

Business Planning In Wisconsin

Wisconsin welcomes new businesses.

Wisconsin's official marketing slogan "Live like you mean it" encourages those who are planning a business in America's Dairyland. The state backs up its slogan with a great deal of tangible assistance for entrepreneurs and other business owners who choose to establish companies in Wisconsin. Some of the resources the state makes available are expert assistance in writing business plans, research assistance, marketing resources, business planning grants and information on angel investors.

Business Plans

The state has numerous experts available in its Small Business Development Centers (SBDC's) to instruct and guide business owners in their efforts to start their own businesses. The first formal step in the process is creating a business plan that will serve as a reliable planning tool. The state emphasizes the importance of business plans for companies that are either seeking to acquire other businesses or secure investment capital from groups such as venture capital firms.


The Wisconsin SBDC Network and the Wisconsin Entrepreneurs' Network are available to assist would-be business owners in the state. The latter makes the services of more than 100 organizations available to help other Wisconsin businesses succeed.


Business assistance groups in the state are able to help entrepreneurs and others conduct the necessary research for effective business planning. This includes interpretation of Wisconsin business statistics, United States Census data and economic indicators from the U.S. Department of Commerce.


The SBDC groups and others are equipped to guide business owners in writing marketing plans that will form part of their business plans. Subjects covered include the effective deployment of advertising and management of a company's Internet presence.

Sources of Funds

Angel investors (individuals who provide capital for new business) invest in early-stage businesses, but rarely get involved in their management. The SBDC's maintain up-to-date information on the angel investor groups in Wisconsin and can assist entrepreneurs who want to approach them. The Wisconsin Department of Commerce has two kinds of business planning grants -- Early Planning Grants and the Entrepreneurial Training Program -- that are available to Wisconsin entrepreneurs.