Monday, September 22, 2014

Great Banquet Banner Ideas

A banner is a useful tool at a banquet to decorate and to communicate a message to those in attendance. There are great ideas for hanging banners, outdoor banners and theme banners, you only need to decide which banner idea works best for your banquet.

Hanging Banner

A hanging banner is attached to the ceiling and is available in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Attendees should be able view the hanging banner from any area of the room. A good idea for the hanging banner is a message that announces the purpose of the banquet. A retirement banquet banner can have a picture of the retiree next to a message that says, "Congratulations!" on it.

Outdoor Banner

An outdoor banner commonly express the nature of the banquet. A silhouette of a couple dancing on the banner invites prom attendees to the pre-prom banquet. The outdoor banner is created from weather proof material to protect it from the elements and may be placed near an outdoors entry way. A double-sided banner provides exposure in two directions to approaching guests.

Theme Banner

A theme banner communicates the purpose for the event. An open house banner may include the wording, as well as, the logo of the new business. A theme banner can also come in different shapes and can be customized to represent the purpose of the banner like the outline of the trophy won by the team or to be given out at the banquet.