Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Use Print Advertising

There are many ways to advertise products. Print advertising has been around for years and it's still as effective as it ever was. You do need to come up with good eye-catching copy in the right advertising medium to get the most return for your advertising dollar.


1. Decide the purpose of the advertising. Advertising to introduce a new product is likely to be different from advertising for an established product. Sales ads are another example of purpose.

2. Determine your target market. If you are selling laundry soap, in all likelihood you don't want to pay for a print ad in a scientific journal. Rather, you'd want the ad to run in a magazine or newspaper designed for the people in the household who do the laundry.

3. Choose the best venue for your print advertising. Look for newspapers and magazines with high circulation numbers. This gives you the most value for your advertising dollar.

4. Analyze how much you are willing to spend on the print campaign. Set a budget and stick to it. Shop around for the best advertising deals. It may cost more but consider placing your ads in the first section of a newspaper, on the right-hand side and near the top.

5. Design the ad to catch the reader's attention and hold it. Appeal to the reader's emotion. Make the copy clean and readable. Never do white print on a black background. Only use graphics that pertain specifically to your product.

6. Be sure to place your print advertising in a timely manner. If you have a product that gets most of its usage in the summer, like a swimming pool, you are going to want to set your advertising campaign to begin in February or March. If you are placing ads in a monthly publication, depending on their deadlines, you need to have your ad to the publisher even earlier than that.