Friday, January 9, 2015

Buy Email Leads

Email leads are essential to the online marketing campaign of firms. They open communication to a new set of potential clients. Better known as lead generation, buying email leads is the practice of acquiring contact information for prospective new clients. By purchasing contacts, it removes the hassle of meeting and greeting contacts yourself. New leads can generate new business through online email marketing.


1. Identify the size and specialization of the desired leads. For each individual company or industry there are various levels of corporate employees available to contact, including the vice presidents and the company chairman. Also, decide if the target leads include entire companies, entire industries, or only specific members of specific companies.

2. Research lead generation companies and their respective positives and negatives. Among the top companies are Jigsaw, ReachForce, NetProspex, ZoomInfo, and Demandbase. Each company offers its own packages of services and pricing. Some sell entire contact lists for companies and industries and others do cold calling and research more specifically for the email leads desired. Call the companies directly and speak with a representative to get an overview of the features and pricing offered.

3. Choose the company that is the best fit and go online to its website. All of these companies have online registration and support. Many sites allow purchasing electronically, which gives you almost immediate access to their services. For massive email lead samples, a company like Jigsaw offers the highest quantity of contacts, at a cost to quality. Buying in bulk like that results in a list of contacts that contains less accurate information than what a company like Reachforce provides. ReachForce individually researches and generates leads without simply allowing you access to a database. Therefore their information is more reliable -- but in turn, more expensive.

4. Synchronize the new email leads into your present contact database. Combining databases enables the new leads to become a part of existing online marketing programs. Most of the lead-generating firms will send or enable you to take the leads in a Microsoft Excel document or something similar so that you can instantly transfer the new information to your database through an upload.