Thursday, August 20, 2015

Great Places To Market A Company

Promoting a business involves more than simply making an advertisement or buying space in a publication. The most effective advertising focuses on a specific audience's needs and wants, then engages that audience, enticing new clients to form business relationships with the firm. Online ads, radio and television ads, as well as face-to-face advertising campaigns can generate interest in a company by informing potential clientele that your firm can satisfy their needs and wants.


Web users see countless advertisements online each time they log on. Though this can sometimes be distracting and unwanted communication, it doesn't have to be. Effective online advertisements can generate a lot of traffic to your company's website and also can direct new customers to your place of business. Online ads should generate interest in your business by appealing to your customers directly with useful and interesting information.

Traditional Advertising Media

Traditional news media is inundated with advertising campaigns; billboards, radio and television, and print media are saturated with advertisements. In fact, traditional media, specifically outdoor advertising, is gaining ground on Web 2.0 technology, according to "Inc." magazine; you can differentiate your firm from the herd by selectively targeting certain demographics, that is, buy advertising space only where your prospective clientele are likely to see it or hear it. Most everyone can see large outdoor ads, such as billboards, which makes standing out difficult. In situations like these, be creative; for example, a hair salon could advertise on transparent umbrellas, as exemplified in "Inc."

Conferences and Popular Venues

Conferences and other events, such as concerts or sporting events, could be the perfect place to advertise your company. Most every industry has professional organizations with annual conferences; attending those that concern your business is a good opportunity to introduce your company to new clientele. Consider sponsoring the event or setting up a display table, if there is an opportunity. Some strategies from professional conferences overlap with concerts and sporting events as well, such as sponsorship and even volunteering to staff the event.

Targets of Opportunity

Never be without a business card or some other tangible way to promote your business. Opportunities to promote your business crop up at grocery stores and coffee houses, among other venues. Customers increasingly skirt traditional advertising and promotional media, according to the University of Washington. For example, if you've discussed your business with someone while standing in a line, solidify the deal by having a business card for that person.