Monday, August 24, 2015

Need For Safety Glasses

Eye protection is one of the most overlooked and necessary parts of working with hand tools. Many jobs require that you have safety glasses on in order to operate machinery. Firing ranges require safety glasses in order to shoot weapons. Even working in a backyard requires that the proper eye precautions be taken. Eye protection is extremely important for many reasons.


According to the U.S. Department of Labor, nearly 20% of work-related injuries are eye injuries. So statistically, a 1-in-5 risk of injury is rather high for an eye injury.


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), requires that many employees wear safety glasses in order to protect the health of workers. This law also helps states reduce the number of Workman's Compensation claims filed due to eye injuries.

Common Injuries

Working near heavy machinery, dust, power tools, chemicals and radiation all put a worker at risk for eye injury. Safety glasses are the only way to ensure a safe working environment in those situations.

Home Work & Gardening

With all of the dust, dirt, and allergens flying around the air near one's face in a garden, safety glasses can go a long way towards making sure that anyone can enjoy gardening and be able to see (with both eyes) the fruits of his/her labors.

Proper Safety Glasses

OSHA places special requirements on safety glasses, rating them for various types of use. In order to make sure that you have the proper type, simply analyze the environments you work in and find the pair that are right for you.