Monday, August 17, 2015

Write Google Adword Advertisements

Google AdWords is a tool used for website promotion. You write an advertisement tailored to certain keyword searches performed by Google search engine users, so that when a user searches using the keywords in your ad, she is shown the ad for your page with the search results. If she clicks your advertisement, it costs you a set amount per click. Writing an effective ad can help make your advertising costs more affordable while increasing the traffic and sales of products and services on your website.


1. Select effective keywords to use in your ad. For example, if you are advertising ways for people to attract more visitors to their websites, use words like "traffic," "more" and "increase." Keep in mind that your headline is limited to 25 characters and the two text rows must be 35 characters with no images or colors. The last line is for your URL.

2. Capitalize the first letter of each word in your headline except for words like "and," "the" and "in."

3. Use questions, how-to information, interesting claims or a sense of trust in the headline to pull the reader in. Some examples include "Want More Traffic?," "Get More Traffic" and "Secrets to More Traffic."

4. Use ellipses at the end of your headline text to indicate that a reader will find more information on the site you are promoting. For example, "Get More Traffic Info... ."

5. Include different keywords and phrases in the text rows of your ad. Do not use words like "free" or "buy."

6. Target the ad text to keywords that would appeal to someone performing a search that's related to your product or service.

7. Remove any words that don't absolutely have to be in the ad. Be specific.