Thursday, May 21, 2015

Present Not So Good News In Business Memo

Let's face it, things don't always go the way they were planned. That holds true in both personal and business life. How the bad news is processed and accepted depends largely on how that news is presented by the one who is the bearer of bad tidings.


1. Present bad news in a business memo by first establishing common ground. Make a statement that expresses the fact that you're all in the same boat together. Start a company-wide business memo that contains bad news by sharing how badly you feel having to announce what's coming. Let employees know that you're just as upset as they are about to be.

2. Prepare to present bad news in a business memo by preparing the ones who are about to read the news. Reason with them in a tactful way. Mention positive aspects of the situation first before you go into detail about what may be about to happen.

3. Go into detail in the body of your memo when you present bad news in a business. Carefully explain all the details of what happened and why it happened. Be specific and spell out all the changes that are about to take place. Include a timeline, if appropriate, for when each coming change must happen. Be open and honest in your memo.

4. Divide the timeline up into sections so that it's easy to read at a glance. Prepare readers for what they must do in order to implement the timeline. Explain each step and what is expected of each person or group of people as the timeline progresses.

5. Point out the positives in the situation. There are usually positive aspects to almost any situation if you look hard enough to find them. Try to end the news on a lighter note by pointing out any possible advantages. Include a statement that looks to the future and brighter times ahead.

6. Be sincere in your expression of regret for having to present bad news in a business memo. Let readers know that you realize how difficult the situation might be for them.