Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Provide A Effective Presentation

A professional appearance and clearly labeled visual aids help achieve presentation success.

A successful presentation is one with persuasive, memorable information that people can use in the future. Whether the presentation is used to attract clients, build business relationships or secure investments, the successful presentation informs the viewer, answers the viewer's questions and shows the viewer the next steps.


1. Do your research. Make sure that you are thoroughly familiar with your presentation topic. Use reputable resources to verify your information for accuracy.

2. Organize your information so it is presented in an organized and methodical fashion. Introduce the topic and provide some brief background information on the subject or area. Provide details about your topic. Explain why the areas you highlight are important. Present data that support your presentation's information. End the presentation with a conclusion that defines the key results or important areas. Highlight two or three important aspects that your audience should remember.

3. Create a visual presentation, since people are more likely to remember information that is accompanied by visuals. Use slides to highlight the information. Limit the information on each slide to two or three facts. Choose an easily read font to ensure your viewers can read the slides at a distance. Use charts and graphs to bring attention to important figures and trends. Label the charts and graphs clearly and provide citations for your references.

4. Memorize the presentation, if possible, and outline the presentation's information on note cards for quick reference. Practice the presentation until you are comfortable presenting the information. Keep the presentation to a respectful time, as not to overwhelm the audience with too much information and take up too much of their time.

5. Dress neatly since all eyes will be on you during the presentation. Smile and make eye contact with your audience. Use an inviting tone when speaking to keep the audience interested and speak at a moderate pace. Don't forget to breathe and be confident in your information.

6. Provide additional time at the end of your presentation to address your audience's questions. Answer the questions in a friendly yet direct manner with accurate information.