Monday, August 3, 2015

Augment Matrices On The Ti83

The TI-83 is a graphing calculator from Texas Instruments. The calculator is commonly used in classrooms and business offices. In addition to calculating basic mathematics, the TI-83 can graph linear lines, create scatter plots and compute matrices. Augmenting two matrices on a TI-83 is as simple as inputting the values of the matrices into the calculator.


1. Enter Matrix A into your TI-83. Press the "Matrix" key. Navigate to the "Edit" tab. Scroll down to "A" and press "Enter." Input the dimension for Matrix A and press "Enter." Input the values for Matrix A. Re-do this procedure to enter Matrix B into your TI-83. Leave the spot for Matrix C blank. Matrix C will represent your augmented matrix.

2. Press the "Matrix" key. Navigate to the "Math" tab. Scroll down to option "7: augment" and press "Enter."

3. Press the "Matrix" key. Scroll to Matrix A and press "Enter." Press the "," or comma key. Press the "Matrix" key. Scroll down to Matrix B and press "Enter." Press the ")" or close parentheses key. Press "Enter."

4. Press the "STO" or memory storage key. Press the "Matrix" key. Scroll down to the spot for Matrix C and press "Enter."